And 2016 Wins...

I've been trying really hard to give 2016 a break. I've even been a little surly about the "F#*k 2016" movement, especially when it comes to celebrity deaths. "Yes," I've said (mostly to myself) "it's sad that so-and-so has died, but people die every day, blah blah blah..." I really have been moved by many of the celebrity deaths this year (Prince, Sharon Jones, Leonard Cohen, even George Michael) and I feel bad for all the grieving fans. I know many people are sincerely and deeply affected when a beloved celebrity dies, myself included, and I don't want to trovialize or mock that. But I also think we collectively go a little nuts. Public displays of grief sometimes feel like a fad to me, and I feel like they somewhat demean our private griefs. While I get that 2016 has definitely had high visibility in it's suckitude, 2000, the year my mom died, wins the "F#*k You Year" title for me. And of course we all have our ...