Now that the danger seems to have passed, I think I can safely tell the story of my encounter with treacherous rice. The rice of my potential doom Simply put, I ate some bad rice, and for the following 24 hours I was worried I was going to get sick. It wasn't rice from an exotic source, but merely prepackaged rice from Target. We eat it all the time, and all one has to do is put it in the microwave and heat it up. So just a few nights ago, I sat down to enjoy some of this rice with some "stir-fried" veggies and soy meat. I use quotes because I'm not sure I technically meet the standards of stir-frying, but I chop up some veggies, throw them in a pan with some soy sauce and hot sauce, and voila!, I have a stir-fry. (On a tangent...I don't usually claim to "cook" because I think cooking should involve more thought and artistry, but I think I cook as much, if not more, than most Americans. I chop up a lot of vegetables, anyway. I just...