Resting Bitch(y) Drummer Face
"Don't mess up or someone's going down." |
I've given a lot of thought to my drumming stage presence in the last couple of years, as I've gotten the impression that it's disappointingly low-key and mild-mannered. (Or thankfully low-key for one of my older friends who was worried I was going to flail wildly away). Although the Muppet's Animal has long been one of my heroes, I don't tend to emulate his drumming style ("Beat drums! Beat drums!")
Glittery eyeshadow! |
What I may lack in aggression I make up for in glitter. (OMG that is probably one of the most-girly, anti-feminist things I could probably say. Well, I'm empowered enough to embrace my inner-five-year old). For our last show at Twin Town (at least in the foreseeable future) I went armed with body glitter, glittery eyeshadow and a sparkly "tutu."
Finding the appropriate drumming attire is no easy feat. If I go with a dress (and who has time for pants?), it needs to be something I can wear shorts or leggings under. I couldn't believe my luck (it almost made me believe in fate and I hate the concept of fate) when the day before the show I found a short sparkly dress at Savers. It was sparkly, it was cheap, it was perfect. I did worry a bit that the silver sparkles didn't go with the gold spikes on my tennis shoes, but I convinced myself that mixing silver and gold is cool.
Any look is better than "Resting Depressed Teen Drummer Face" (circa 1987) |
Best drumming shoes EVER!! |
All this gratitude and happiness for my clothing coups + adrenaline from our awesome gigs + whiskey led to the now infamous post-show "tutu selfies." (Okay, only infamous if you happen to be seeing my Facebook updates). They weren't scandalous by any means, just extremely silly, which is its own type of scandal. I'm just so lucky I didn't fall over while trying to take a photo that would capture both my sparkly skirt and my spiky shoes. That would be even more embarrassing than tripping on a cat (which I'm convinced IS my fate, whiskey or no).
I'm pretty sure Animal never wrestled with these considerations.
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