Tuesday's Needy Piscean Child

This year my birthday fell on a Tuesday, just like it did on March 3 way back in 1970 when I was born. This little bit of calendar cosmicness has inspired me to think of the nursery rhyme that describes your character based on the day of the week that you are born on. According to this rhyme, as a Tuesday Child, I am "full of grace."

Huh. This always makes me laugh.  "I am not what you would call a beautifully coordinated individual," as Chad's character Matt said in "Talley's Folly." Of course there are other definitions of grace that aren't just about physical movement. I do like the Google definition of grace as "an attractively polite manner of behaving." That sounds like something I can aspire to with a decent chance of success, as long as too much wine or whisky aren't involved. 

I also enjoy astrology-based personality analysis. I'm not sure the common stereotype of Pisceans as empathetic, creative, artistic, and spiritual is all that true in my case, but I definitely have times when I feel all artsy-fartsy sensitive and like to see myself this way. Even though the various astrological descriptions and forecasts often seem wildly inaccurate, I like thinking about why they are inaccurate or how they might actually contain some truth. 
Showing off my first, and so far only tattoo:
the Pisces symbol

This year I stumbled across a highly-entertaining book, "Bad Birthdays: The Truth Behind Your Crappy Sun Sign" by Sarah Christensen Fu. This find has led to poor Chad being subjected to many wine-fueled read-alouds. 

I love this description of Pisces from "Bad Birthdays":

"No one understands a Pisces...not really...For other signs who are trying to understand the Piscean experience, just imagine wearing headphones that are screaming constant, conflicting advice, and that you have little bitty alligator arms that prevent you from doing anything for yourself...it is not unusual to find a Pisces sitting in the dark alone, drinking away their consciousness, becaused a loved one didn't do "their part" in this cosmic bargain that the Pisces feels he or she deserves" (pages 281-82. I'm a good librarian! I cite!).

Again, huh. And I'm sorry. I don't know if it's because I'm a Pisces, or a Cheesehead, or 5'6"ish, but I have been known to wallow in helplessness and self-pity from time to time. Maybe it's just the human condition. Whatever the reason, a reminder, even from a silly astrological source, not to get carried away with being too sensitive is a good thing. 

I do take issue with the suggestion in "Bad Birthdays" that I would make a good drug dealer. I'm just not that good at math. 

Yet one more bit of birthday-trappings that I'm obsessed with is my birthstone color, aquamarine. For no logical reason, I've  started wearing the color everyday in the days leading up to and following my birthday. This year I think I've been wearing it for about a week straight. I would probably wear it more, but that starts bumping into St. Valentine's Day time, when I really, of course, like to wear pink and red. According to the first Google hit I got, aquamarine "has long been a symbol of youth, health and hope." Maybe wearing it will make me healthier and ward off some of the effects of my bad Pisces decisions. Or maybe my fixation on thematic color dressing is a lasting side-effect of having grown up in the era of Garanimals. 


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