Where Do I Go From Here?

I think I am mostly recovered from my post-play (Panache) hangover (although I still haven't unpacked my bag of show supplies) so let the blogging commence! (Truthfully, I also had to mentally recover from my colonoscopy, which in many ways was no big woo but I was dreading it SO much but I won't subject the blogiverse to any more about that, suffice it to say all, thankfully, is well on that front...er, end?). And I'm also finished with some work presentations and an awesome return gig of Pigeons From hell, so hey, here's this thing called "free time."

"Seriously, you're going to spend less time looking at dresses on Modcloth?" (Okay this is an unrelated "Panache" photo that I don't think I've shared yet and I love Chad's expression and the view of my hair. I tried an actual 'do!)
Actually, it feels a little like New Years' to me so some "resolutions" seem in order. Or maybe more accurately a "to-do" list now that I do have some time to do some things that were simply out of the question when my schedule was so packed. Or maybe, a list of things to focus on to help keep myself from feeling too ansty now that I have said free time.

So, Where Do I Go From Here? In no particular order, I would like to:
  • Learn to actually play aforementioned songs on the Pigeons From Hell set list. Last night was a blast, but turns out knowing some lyrics and chords would be helpful.
  • Learn to play some Christmas songs on piano
  • Learn to play some Christmas songs on ukele (and learn to actually play the ukele while I'm at it)
  • Read. This is actually a huge category that includes "catching up" on the pile of magazines I've been building (I think I have heard that is the first sign of hoarding) to reading all my saved Facebook posts to reading Actual Physical Books Printed on Paper. I make no apologies for my love of and almost excluse use of audiobooks, but don't want my forearms to become too weak to hold a book. 
  • Maintain a level of cleanliness and order in our house that promotes personal and domestic harmony. In other words, I don't want to be constantly digging through piles of clothes, papers, dishes and whatnot and tripping over crap. If I'm really dreaming big this will involve giving away some of those clothes. 
  • Edit and share (with people who might actually be interested) all the various recordings I have of various musical endeavors.
  • Blogging, journaling, writing in any form that helps me reflect, appreciate, and impose a little order to my chaotic thoughts. 
  • Brush Kitty Boo Boo every day. Well, every other day.
  • Remember that I did a whole day on a liquid diet that did NOT involve alcohol and try to replicate this restraint with mini-stretches of responsible chip and alcohol consumption
  • But most importantly...reconnect with people, by actually spending more time with them, and being more present and less distracted with the time we do share. Which may lead me to...
    1. Getting to a new bar/restaurant or two
    2. Taking up latch hook again. I need something to do with my hands other than surf the internet while Chad and I watch TV. I'm not sure latch hook, which takes up a lot of lap space, is going to be a Kitty Boo and Mama Pepper aproved activity, though. 
  • Have time to be kind and helpful, and a little spontaneous, and a little less freaky if things don't go exactly as scheduled. 


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