Glittery Eyeshadow Aspect

At a little after 10:00 tonight as I was checking out at Target, the cashier asked me if I was going to a party or just coming from one. My brain could not process the question. I was buying mostly groceries, so at first I thought she was asking this because of the bagged broccoli florets I was buying. If I am bringing anything to a party besides/in addition to alcohol, it's usually chopped veggies and chips. So "No," I replied, "that's just what I eat..." and before I finished the sentence I changed my mind and thought she must be asking because of the three dozen mini-cupcakes I was also buying. (Those were on sale so I couldn't resist picking them up for our rather long play practice tomorrow). "No," the cashier answered with a laugh. "I mean your glitter eyeshadow." "Oh," I answered dazzedly with an attempt at a chuckle. "That's just what I wear..." I had forgotten that I was wearing glitter eyeshad...