Origin Story

Every superhero has an origin story. Well, Chad and I aren't superheroes (although sometimes I think Chad comes close), and we aren't even a celebrity super couple. But if we were a super couple we would have a pretty awesome name ("Chamy"). So in honor of the recent 25th anniversary of our first date, here is our origin story. (Okay, as Chad pointed out an origin story has to be in the third person but I can't easily write in that perspective). Chad and I met at the beginning of our sophomore year of college at UW-Eau Claire, when he was assigned to train me to cover the Student Senate for the student newspaper. Chad's official title was "Senior Reporter" so I thought he was a senior and was immediately impressed by this worldly older man. Even though Chad wasn't actually a senior classman, he did exude confidence. At the first Student Senate meeting we went to, I was trying to act cool and impress Chad, so I followed his lead and didn't...