I Hope I Get It!
I wrote this exactly a week ago: "I just got home from an audition, and I feel quite accomplished and mighty, for the moment, at least. But if past experience is any predictor, and it usually is, then crushing self doubt is on its way." ...and I didn't get cast in the show I auditioned for. I was (am) disappointed, but since I really, really, didn't expect, or even hope, to get cast in this particular show, I did not get hit with the crushing self doubt I often do. The self doubt and disappointment were only mildly draining. Ah, auditioning. Auditioning is exciting and scary and a pain in the ass. Waiting to hear about the result is agonizing. (Ooh, our Tom Petty cover band should be doing "The Waiting!") I can't stop thinking about it. I'm consumed with waiting, waiting, waiting for the phone to ring (or email to be sent.) I'm ansty and can't concentrate. Usually, I recognize after a day or two that if I haven't heard back, I...