Where Do I Go From Here?

I think I am mostly recovered from my post-play (Panache) hangover (although I still haven't unpacked my bag of show supplies) so let the blogging commence! (Truthfully, I also had to mentally recover from my colonoscopy, which in many ways was no big woo but I was dreading it SO much but I won't subject the blogiverse to any more about that, suffice it to say all, thankfully, is well on that front...er, end?). And I'm also finished with some work presentations and an awesome return gig of Pigeons From hell, so hey, here's this thing called "free time." "Seriously, you're going to spend less time looking at dresses on Modcloth?" (Okay this is an unrelated "Panache" photo that I don't think I've shared yet and I love Chad's expression and the view of my hair. I tried an actual 'do!) Actually, it feels a little like New Years' to me so some "resolutions" seem in order. Or maybe more accurately a ...