"Twas the Night Before the Marathon...

...and all through the house, I've been flitting around trying not to go too crazy. I actually do feel pretty ready, or at least as ready as I can expect to be. My biggest regret is that I didn't find more time for blogging! So I figure at least a last-minute post is better than nothing. It is very surreal to be at this moment...all these weeks of waiting and preparation and here I am. It's also surreal to think that I AM ACTUALLY COMMITTED TO RUNNING A MARATHON. There are many, many things that if 47-year-old Amy had told 17-year-old Amy, I would have disdainfully flicked the fringes on my denim jacket at. But this marathon thing has to top the list. I've learned these have quite a few carbs for their caloric bang. I've read many inspirational things during training about why people run marathons. I kept hoping that I would come up with a similarly deep and moving reason, but I really have nothing besides it seems like I should and I think I can. Why ...