
Showing posts from July, 2016

Get Out of My Dreams...AND Out of My Car

It's been a distressingly (at least to me) long time since my last blog post. Lack of time and inspiration are the main culprits. So I've decided to seize on whatever small bit of material I can find (no matter how lame). This post stems from a recent ride in my friend Wanda's car (not surprising as Wanda is frequently hauling my ass around to a social outing--usually a concert  or trivia). Our friend sitting in the backseat remarked on the awesome collection of concert baseball hats Wanda had sharing the space with him. Of course I just had to share what I happened to have in my car, and will now do so for the blogverse: Things in my car (a Honda Fit) as of this morning: a gi a toy megaphone a dartboard a used printer toner cartridge my drum set stool a travel coffee mug (that isn't mine) This list provides a rather telling snapshot of my life and glimpse into my psyche. Okay, mainly it just reavels that I'm a pretty messy person and treat my car as a...