
Showing posts from December, 2015

Talley's Tally

"I've had a bit of a 'Talley's Folly' hangover today, and I mean that in the best sense. Overindulging on emotion and creativity and friendship and community and art! And yeah, probably some red wine and sweet potato fries, too. Much gratitude to everyone who shared Matt and Sally's story with us this weekend, including friends, family, and strangers!" --Facebook post from Nov. 15, 2015 What emotional and artistic cocktail causes a theater hangover? In the case of Talley's, the recipe looked something like: 2 parts self-doubt 1 part the emotional angst and vulnerability of my character 1 part gratitude for everyone who came to see us 1-2 dashes of terror Shake, blend, and mix the hell out of all the ingredients and serve over the hope that you really are doing something awesome and  garnish with a big slice of excitement. Combine this potent concoction with the generous amounts of red wine and sweet potato fries that I consumed after every sh...