Louise Lessons

Last weekend we wrapped up, at least for now, our performances of "The Great Nebula in Orion." We first brought this one-act by Lanford Wilson to life in mid March for the Minnesota Community Theater Festival. On my flight to DC on Sunday to play professional librarian at a conference, I finally had a chance to reflect a little on what I learned playing Louise, a confident and successful fashion designer in the 70's: Sparkly turquoise eyeshadow makes me happy and is just fine for everyday wear (and speaking at a librarian conference). A bright blue vintage 70's polyester pantsuit that looks unpromising can magically transform both you and it when you put it on (thank you MC for this amazing costume!!) I know! This pantsuit is amazing!! As the acting adage goes, it's really hard to play drunk without overdoing it, but I'm pretty good at playing drunk and lounging on a couch. I'm better at playing an angry drunk than a sad drunk (unfortunately...