Embracing My Inner-Bun
I'm learning that I may be more of a fan of anniversaries than the general population, and this year is a rather big one for anniversaries. On one hand, I think I just appreciate any excuse to celebrate, and being more conscious about the passing of time makes me feel slightly more in control. So gentle readers, be advised that this may be the first of many (more) posts about anniversaries and milestone in the life of Amy. One of this year's big anniversaries is the 15th anniversary of my employment as a public librarian with "my" current library system. (According to Hallmark, traditional presents for this anniversary are crystal or watches). Oh my thoughts about being a librarian are myriad and complicated, and (I have realized through hard life lessons) any blog post about such needs to be scrupulously screened by my inner voice of reason (and most importantly, Chad). Let me start with all the stereotypes about librarians...I know every practitioner of every ca...